
Significant potential for plug-in vehicles exists in U.S. housing stock

The housing stock in the United States could support significant numbers of plug-in electric vehicles. Of households that own at least one car, an estimated 49% (49.6 million housing units) park within 20 feet of an electrical outlet, based on recently released responses to a new question from the 2009 Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS).

Certain housing characteristics limit potential for electric (either plug-in hybrid or all-electric) vehicles, especially the type of housing. Excluding households without cars and those where the respondent did not know whether an electrical outlet was accessible, 60% of respondents in single-family detached houses park within 20 feet of an outlet, as opposed to only 14% of respondents in apartments. Most electric vehicles can be charged using the same outlet as a home appliance. However, some electric vehicle manufacturers recommend installing a separate charger that can charge the vehicle faster.

via Significant potential for plug-in vehicles exists in U.S. housing stock – Today in Energy – U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

Categories: Energy, Transportation